GIAB is the extended arm of the insurance industry. Working together with your insurance company, we have developed the ‘Cirkulär skadereglering®’ system of circular damage cover. We take in all faulty goods subject to insurance claims in order to verify the damage to the products. By means of reconditioning, repair and onward sale, we endeavour to reuse as many of the products as possible.
Cirkulär skadereglering® means that your insurance company works responsibly, sustainably and proactively by simultaneously curbing the development of the throwaway culture and minimising the risk of the overexploitation of the insurance system. We help our customers to take comprehensive control of the damage cover process by verifying the damage and extending the service life of the product (or, if reuse is not possible, by guaranteeing that it will be recycled in the correct manner). 92 % of all items received by GIAB receive an extended service life!
Mobile phone, tablet or laptop?
If the claim concerns a mobile telephone, a tablet device or a laptop, we have developed the Mobilcirkeln® and IT-cirkeln™ services. These circular services enable claimants to receive compensation in the form of a repaired device instead of a monetary payment.
Find out more under ‘Mobilcirkeln®’ and ‘IT-cirkeln™’.

The process is as follows:
- When you have submitted your claim to your insurance company, you will be sent shipping documentation from GIAB so that you can send in your damaged item.
If the product in question is not something that can be sent in the post (e.g., an item of furniture), we will arrange a time to come and collect it from you.
- When the item arrives at GIAB, we verify the damage to ensure that it corresponds to the description in the claim report. It is at this point that you will be able to receive your compensation from the insurance company.
Our engineers and mechanics will repair and recondition the product. Following evaluation, we will sell it in our Returhuset store or via our online stores on Tradera or Blocket.