
We reuse your end-of-life IT equipment

IT-cirkeln™ Företag offers an environmentally and economically beneficial comprehensive IT equipment solution for companies that want to work in a climate-smart and responsible manner.

IT-cirkeln™ is our service for the circular processing of IT equipment that has outlived its use. GIAB ensures that your hardware receives an extended service life by a process of data-deletion, reconditioning and, if necessary, repair. The devices are given a new lease of life with another user – either as complete devices or as components used in repaired devices after sale. Thanks to this process, you receive not only income for all products we sell but also control of your value chain, secure data-deletion, as well as waste and carbon dioxide savings for your sustainability work. As a business, you avoid the risk of your IT equipment falling into the wrong hands. The illegal exporting of e-scrap is a major problem – not only for the environment but also for people in developing countries.

We place great importance on integrity, and we guarantee that all hard drives are either deleted in accordance with Blancco or destroyed.

IT-cirkeln is a concrete way of working towards the reduction of your organisation’s environmental impact, which strengthens your sustainability work at the same time as it supports your financial objectives. There is great demand for the reused products that we sell, which means that we are in constant need of IT equipment!

By letting GIAB take care of your IT equipment, you receive a complete sustainability solution:

  • Environmental report for your environment department detailing carbon dioxide and waste savings.
  • Data-deletion certification and secure processing for your IT department.
  • Information for your finance department to allow you to invoice GIAB.

For each laptop/PC that is reused, the amount of waste is reduced by 1,200 kg and emissions are reduced by 67-109 kg of carbon dioxide, depending on the model.

IT-cirkeln is available in different formats and we have a flexible approach that enables us to meet the individual needs of our customers. The service is adapted in accordance with the customer’s preferences with regard to the circular processing of hardware. IT-cirkeln also enables you to purchase refurbished or new IT equipment, either with or without software. GIAB also uses software updates to offer upcycling, which makes it possible to reuse old hardware with high levels of performance.