

GIAB’s business concept is to convert that which is currently regarded as waste into an economically valuable resource. The circular economy in action!

Our services allow us to extend the service life of damaged goods by means of reconditioning, repair and onwards sales – a package of measures that constitutes concrete sustainability work. GIAB ‘upcycles’ products that would otherwise either be sent for material recycling or for incineration.

Results in a win-win-win-win situation!

This concept not only generates financial gains for GIAB, our customers and partners, and the end consumer – it also results in major environmental gains.

GIAB helps companies and organisations to identify areas within the business chain where new business opportunities may be developed by the more-efficient use of resources. Where others see only waste and expense, GIAB sees valuable resources with great business potential.


GIAB shall be an internationally recognised catalyst for resource-efficient business development and a decisive agent in the transformation to a circular economy. GIAB works with the application and implementation of circular principles, which creates the conditions for continued economic growth on a planet with finite resources.